Felix Lee
With over 29 years in marketing and IT in senior management, Felix contributes interactive people-centric elements into the strategy, conceptualisation, and modus operandi for a diverse range of industries in the private or public sector. As intermediary, he enhances business by matching alliances, technology and funds.
Within the PR sphere, Felix has managed corporate solutions with collaborative content such as entertainment, branding, CRM, crisis and knowledge management, into the MMORPGames he designs, peppered with behavioural analytics and mobile alerts built into the plot. His interest in scenario planning, exer-gaming, and cognitive education trends, is obvious in his creation of NoiseSingapore.com.sg, a lifestyle and creative content site for teens. Fascinated with evangelisation models, Felix is a certified Websphere and Red Hat Professional who continues to serve the IT fraternity, namely: Apple, Asia Business News, Creative Technologies, Dunn & Bradstreet, Hewlett Packard, IBM, Oracle, Red Hat, SAS Institute,Sun Microsystems.
A key member of the team which crafted the IPO listing of Horizon.com Ltd, a best-performing stock, Felix orchestrated corporate imaging, public relations, analyst briefings, investor relations, and communications. He has strategized and lectured for the Government of Mauritius, Town Councils of Singapore, Min of Education, NUS, ACER Computers International. He deployed international mobile voting for Web-In-Travel 2008 discussions on webcast with immediate LIVE results.
As COO of eSamsung Holdings, a bridging consultancy of Samsung Korea, Felix equipped the 18 staff operation with core competencies in business modelling, product innovation, solutions marketing, and SI operations. His fiduciary duties as a member of two boards, included management of capex, technology incubation, alliance marketing, project funding, skills development and deal flow. Territories covered were Singapore, Malaysia, Korea, Philippines, Australia, and India. Felix has been involved in M&A of EDB investee companies, and advises several companies on funds, alliances and marketing initiatives. He has run successful mobile LBS trials, and is intimate with managing promotions, entertainment, and customised content for mobile and connected wireless communities.
Notable event successes include National Health Fair ‘89; 25th Anniversary Carnival 1990; The Flag of Pride fundraiser for NKF; National Day Carnival 1991; Sentosa Heritage (Images of Singapore) Museum, PSA Maritime Showcase; SAFRA Resort & Country Club by PM Goh Chok Tong and 5 defence ministers. Felix has facilitated media & crisis training for Ciba, StanChart, Stock Exchange Of Singapore, and Temasek Management Services.
Felix has managed FMCG clients such as Tiger Beer and British Petroleum advertising, and received kudos for work with Northrop Corporation, Swissair, United Airlines, and Lufthansa. His project business matching e-Vent Korea 00 showcased Korean ITCs to VCs and partners, attracted favourable response from NSTB, EDB, MOSIE, and the Ambassadors of both countries.
Felix served on the SITF Wireless Chapter Working Committee which developed the Guidelines on Data Privacy in force today. A proponent of think-tanking by collaboration, he was a judge of the Motorola Technoventures Competition 2004; Startup@Singapore 2005/7; and NUS Centennial Entrepreneurship Awards ("CEA").
As a mentor, he advises startups and SMEs on business modelling, viability, sustainability, and ROI, with better than 85% for funding success.